Strawberry Cheesecake

 Strawberry Cheesecake

*for a 7” round pan

For the base

140g digestive biscuit

50g butter, melted

For the cheesecake

250g cream cheese, room temperature

20g caster sugar

2 egg yolks

25g low protein flour or cake flour, sifted

100g whipping cream, cold from fridge

2 egg whites

45g caster sugar

For the strawberry mousse

170g strawberry , chopped

30g sugar

¼ cup water

2tsp gelatine powder

4tsp hot water


1.   For the crust. Place digestive biscuits in a food processor and process finely.

2.   Add melted butter, mix till moist crumbs form. Press crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared pan. Chill in the fridge or freezer till firm.

3. Remove whipping cream from fridge, immediate beat till soft peak, set aside.

4..Beat cream cheese with sugar till smooth .

5. Add in egg yolks and mix well. Add in flour and combine well.

6. Mix in whipped cream, mix till well combine.

7. Beat egg white till foamy , gradually add in sugar and continue to beat till soft peaks.

8. Use a hand whisk, mix in 1/3 meringue with cream cheese batter till combine.

9. Use a spatula, fold in the balance meringue, fold gently till combine.

10.Pour batter into removable bottom cake tin (line the bottom and wrap outside with foil).

11.Bake at a pre-heated oven at 120C for 90mins at lower rack using steaming bake method (place a roasting tin underneath and add in hot water before putting in the cake tin). Cool on a wire rack.

12. For the strawberry mousse, add hot water with gelatine powder, stir to melt. Add strawberry, water and sugar in a pot, cook till often . Add in gelatine mixture, stir to mix. Use a hand blender to blend the strawberry mixture, set aside to cool then put into chiller for 30mins to let it slightly set.

13. Remove cheesecake on a serving plate, pour strawberry mousse on top and decorate with strawberries.

14. Chill the cake before consume.

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